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5 Beauty Treatments You Should Try at Least Once

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5 Beauty Treatments You Should Try at Least Once

In a perfect world, you’d probably schedule a beauty treatment or two every day. The right treatment is the ideal way to deal with pent-up tension and in the process it can make you feel beautiful too. After all, they’re not called beauty treatments for nothing!

However, since you’re not living in a perfect world with loads of time to try out new treatments, you need to optimise each chance you do have to treat yourself. So, use our list to make the most of your next session. Remember, whether you opt for the wrinkle relaxers Perth salons have on offer, or simply have your nails done, self-care is important.

Beauty Treatments to Spoil Yourself With

You may already have a set beauty routine that you either do daily or as often as you get a few minutes to pamper yourself. Those short pamper sessions are most likely the ones you can do in the comfort of your own home. How often do you get to invest in something more than the average facial or pedicure? Do you find yourself wishing for something a little more specialised?

We’ve compiled a list of the more tantalising beauty treatments to consider when you really want to spoil yourself. Keep reading to see which one you should try first.

1.      Hot Stone Therapy

Hot stone therapy is a specialised massage where smooth, flat, heated basalt stones are positioned along your spine. They can also be placed in the palms of your hands, between your toes and even along your legs.

Basalt stones are primarily from riverbeds and are well known for their iron content that enables them to retain heat. This type of treatment is excellent for relieving stress and anxiety.


Benefits of Hot Stone Therapy

Hot stone therapy also has the following benefits:

  • Promotes sleep
  • Boosts immunity
  • Relieves muscle tension and pain
  • Creates a feeling of relaxation
  • May reduce the symptoms of autoimmune disease

2.      Wrinkle Relaxers

Depending on your age, you might find the thought of getting a wrinkle relaxer quite appealing. Essentially, this treatment softens wrinkles and relaxes the muscles that cause fine lines and wrinkles on your face.


Benefits of Wrinkle Relaxers

Wrinkle fillers, or dermal fillers as they’re also known, have several benefits that will have you wishing you opted for them sooner, such as:

  • Dermal fillers treat the most common signs of ageing
  • Treatment is non-invasive and doesn’t require any downtime
  • It only takes 2-4 days for treatment to take effect and then the outcome can last up to 4 months
  • Rejuvenates the skin, creating a younger, fuller complexion

3.      Mud Wrap

Mud wraps are treatments where the skin is covered in a mud and oil mixture for a specific period. Since the mud causes sweating, this type of treatment is good for exfoliation.


Benefits of Mud Wrap

The benefits of soaking yourself in a tub of mud are quite extensive. The most significant are listed below.

4.      Callus Remover Pedicure

Unlike most other beauty treatments, a callus-removing pedicure may seem boring by comparison. However, your tired feet will thank you for it. Essentially, this type of treatment involves cutting or shaving off calluses that are on your feet. Most callus treatments also involve a massage and pedicure.


Benefits of Callus Removal

A callus remover pedicure has the following benefits:

  • An effective way to remove dirt and bacteria from your feet
  • Increases the amount of moisture in your feet, keeping them soft and making them less prone to aching
  • Feet will look younger and moisturised, so you can show them of in your new sandals
  • Reduces the pain associated with hard calluses

5.      Deep Tissue Massage

Many may argue that a deep tissue massage isn’t really a beauty treatment since it doesn’t affect the way you look. However, having a deep tissue massage leaves you feeling more relaxed and energised. And, it’s no secret that when you feel better, you automatically look better.


Benefits of a Deep Tissue Massage

Designed to relieve chronic muscle tension, a deep tissue massage not only leaves you feeling relaxed but also offers you the following:

  • Helps treat chronic muscle pain
  • Improves posture by working out stress knots
  • Reduces neck and chronic lower back pain associated with stress
  • Relieves joint pain
  • Relaxes overworked muscles

Having a deep tissue massage together with a few collagen stimulating injections is guaranteed to have you feeling better in no time! In fact, there’s no reason why you can’t combine one of these treatments with your normal manicure or facial.

Final Thought

It’s important to perform your daily beauty routine techniques to keep you looking young and feeling rejuvenated, but also consider the value of doing something more—even if it’s just now and then. Any type of treatment that reduces stress and chronic pain will be good for your general well-being. Check with your local spa which treatments they have on offer, treat yourself and feel invigorated so you can face your busy schedule again.

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