The two main PC processors on the market are made either by AMD or Intel. A processor, or CPU for short, can be described as the brain of your gaming PC. The processor is used to control every action your PC makes, whether that is playing video games, streaming movies or music, or even simple tasks like logging into Windows. Most people think the GPU or graphics card is the most important thing to look at when it comes to a gaming PC, but that is wrong; the processor will also dictate how smooth your gameplay can be and it can limit your frame rates when playing a game.
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Intel had been the leading developer for processors, releasing consumer quad-core CPUs year after year that were increasingly better, but without a real direction as to where they were going with them. In March 2017, AMD released the eight-core Ryzen series, which was priced competitively to Intel’s quad-core chips. However, despite eight-core technology being great for running multiple applications at the same time, the underdeveloped single-core performance meant it came with launch issues and memory instability. Intel was simply the best option at the time. Intel did counter this and release their very own eight-core gaming CPUs in 2018 but with higher prices and power consumption. By the end of 2020, AMD, their ever-improving competitor, released the Ryzen 5000 series. Most companies such as Lenovo have partnered to use AMD & Intel CPU technologies. You can check what they offer at
Core Technology
With the AMD Ryzen 5000 series, they come with a number of core counts ranging from a massive sixteen core chip to twelve, eight, six, and four-core variants. The main thing that made everyone’s jaws drop when they were released was that this was the first time AMD’s CPUs had better gaming performance out of the box than Intel. Learning from their mistakes, AMD went back to the drawing board and perfected their single-core performance.
How Do They Work with Video Games?
How do you know what is best for you? The way video games are coded means games typically perform better on faster single cores compared to on slower multiple cores. This is due to the fact that performance in games doesn’t scale the number of CPU cores. What you should be looking at is the clock speeds that each core is running at. So, more cores do not necessarily mean better performance and higher frame rates.
Realistically, aside from all the technical jargon and what is better, the best thing to do is to make sure your CPU matches the power of your GPU. You can get a ridiculously amazing graphics card but without a good processor to run this along with, you’ll only be limited to the lowest available performance.
The next best thing after that is to do your research; depending on the games you will be planning on playing, you may not even need a top-of-the-line GPU or CPU that may cost hundreds or even thousands because your favorite game doesn’t require that kind of power.
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