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How to Lose Weight with Treadmill Workout

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How to Lose Weight with Treadmill Workout

A very common aerobic workout machine is the treadmill. A treadmill is a multipurpose cardio device that may also aid in weight loss if that is your objective.

Working out on a treadmill provides additional advantages outside only aiding in weight loss. For illustration:

  • The treadmill may be used all year long.
  • You may watch your preferred TV program while working out.
  • Handrails are available on the treadmill, which is great if you’re healing from an injury.

It can help you lower your risk of developing heart disease and other chronic conditions, improve sleep, lift your mood, and enhance cognitive function, just like any heart-pumping aerobic activity. If you want to buy a treadmill for your home then try searching for cheap treadmills for sale online. There are many online stores that offer treadmills at affordable prices

Nearly every gym has a treadmill, making it a convenient alternative for people of all fitness levels. Furthermore, treadmills may simply be added to your home gym if you prefer working out there.

Let’s look at the fundamentals of using a treadmill to lose weight as well as some potential training strategies.

1. Interval exercise at high intensity (HIIT)

Alternating sets of vigorous exercise and relaxation constitute high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

According to a reliable source, HIIT exercises can be a quick and efficient technique to burn calories and reduce body fat.

The goal is to workout intensely for brief intervals while taking breaks in between. This helps with weight reduction since it burns a lot of calories.

Additionally, your body makes an effort to transition back to a normal resting state following an HIIT workout. It accomplishes this by using body fat as fuel.

How to perform HIIT on a treadmill:

  • Make sure the treadmill is flat. To warm up, stroll for 5 minutes at 2 mph.
  • Run for 30 seconds at 9 to 10 mph.
  • Walking for 60 seconds at 3 to 4 mph.
  • Iterate 5–10 times.
  • To cool down, stroll for 5 minutes at 2 mph.

Alternate sprints and jogs for a more challenging exercise. Additionally, you can extend the time for each high-intensity set. Your high-intensity periods should last for twice as long as your rest intervals.

2. Locate your zone of fat burning

Exercise on the treadmill at your fat-burning heart rate can aid in weight reduction. You burn the most calories per minute in this zone.

You must first figure out your maximal heart rate in order to determine your fat-burning zone. Your heart can beat no more than this many times in a minute of exertion.

220 minus your age is your maximal heart rate. Your maximum heart rate, for instance, is 180 beats per minute if you are 40 years old (220 – 40 = 180).

70 percent of your maximal heart rate is typically considered to be your fat-burning zone. Your fat-burning zone is 70% of 180 beats per minute, or 126 beats per minute, if your maximum heart rate is 180 beats per minute (180 x 0.70 = 126).

You may determine how hard you should work to assist weight reduction using this number. Here’s one approach:

A heart rate monitor should be worn on the wrist or chest. Flatten the treadmill. To warm up, stroll for 5 minutes at 2 mph.

  • Decide on a 2 percent inclination. Jog for one minute – 4 mph.
  • Until you reach your fat-burning zone, run at 8 to 10 mph. At this heart rate, run for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Jog for one minute – 4 mph.
  • To cool down, stroll for 5 minutes at 2 mph.

Although the typical fat-burning zone is 70%, everyone is different. The fat-burning zone may be reached by some people at 55 percent of their maximal heart rate, while it may take longer for others to reach 80 percent. It relies on a number of variables, including sex, age, degree of fitness, and health issues.

You might also reduce the speed of the treadmill to enter your fat-burning zone.

For optimum weight reduction, a personal trainer may assist in determining your ideal pace and heart rate.

3. Break free of a rut

Altering your schedule is another way to lose weight when using a treadmill. You can: By switching up your workouts, you can:

  • Reduce the possibility of harm. Your joints will suffer if you consistently do the same exercise. You might have an overuse injury as a result, which raises your risk.
  • Avoid hitting a training ceiling. Less results will be seen the more often you perform a certain exercise. To advance, your body needs to be challenged.
  • Avoid becoming bored. If you often change up your workout, you’re more likely to stay with your program.

Here is an example of a training schedule that incorporates several treadmill routines into a well-rounded fitness program:

  • Sunday: relax, go for a stroll, or do moderate yoga
  • Monday: 20 to 30 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill.
  • Strength training and a quick jog on the treadmill on Tuesday
  • Rest, a leisurely stroll, or light yoga on Wednesday
  • a quick jog on the treadmill and strength training on Thursday
  • Friday: 20 to 30 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill.
  • Saturday: Bodyweight exercise or a barre class

4. Include inclines 

Add inclines to a treadmill workout to increase the difficulty. Because your body needs to work harder, fast walking or uphill running causes you to burn more calories.

More muscles are also activated as a result, which helps to increase the amount of lean muscle mass. Due to the fact that muscle burns more calories than fat, this aids in weight loss.

Try the following treadmill exercises if you want to work out on an incline:

  • Flatten the treadmill. To warm up, stroll for 5 minutes at 2 mph.
  • Decide on a 1 percent inclination. Jog for a minute at 4 to 6 mph.
  • Every minute, up the inclination by 1%. Continue until the inclination is between 8 and 10 percent.
  • Every minute, lower the inclination by 1 percent. Continue until you reach an inclination of 0 to 1 percent.
  • To cool down, stroll for 5 minutes at 2 mph.
  • The normal running pace is between 4 and 6 mph. To make this exercise more difficult, raise the tempo or the number of minutes.

Increase the inclination by 0.5 percent each minute for a simpler variation. Repeat this process until you achieve an inclination of 4 to 5 percent, and then move backward.

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