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3 Key Factors to Consider Before Spinal Surgery

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3 Key Factors to Consider Before Spinal Surgery

Did you know that more than 16 million adults in the United States suffer from stubborn or chronic back pain?

Back pain can make daily activities difficult and a lot of the time it is due to a spine problem.

If chiropractic visits and stretching aren’t helping your pain, you might have to have surgery. 

Continue reading to discover the most important factors to consider before having spinal surgery! 

1. How the Procedure Works 

One of the most important things to consider when having spinal surgery is what the procedure will entail. 

Depending on the severity of your back pain and where the root of the problem is will help you identify more information. If you suffer from an injury to the spine, your surgery could last anywhere from 2.5 hours to 7 hours. 

Spinal surgery is a process that helps fuse 2 or more vertebrae so that they are strong and able to support you. The surgeon might have to remove pieces of bone, ligaments, or bone spurs to help resolve the injury. Although the surgery can be painful, most people report relief because the surgery relieves pressure on your nerves. 

2. Physical Therapy 

Most people begin physical therapy 4 to 6 weeks after their spinal surgery.

Physical therapy is the most effective way to speed up recovery and gain your strength back. The physical therapist will help you stretch and work muscles and ligaments that can get tight and slow down recovery. They will do a lot of stretches with and without machines. 

The goal of physical therapy is to help your bones and ligaments move with more strength. 

If you have isthmic spondylolisthesis, physical therapy will be a key component to your recovery. Although physical therapy can be exhausting and uncomfortable, it can cut your recovery time in half. 

3. Post-Surgery Plans 

Having plans made for your spinal cord surgery will make life a lot easier when you are heading home.

Spinal surgery will likely limit your movement for the first few days. Many people recommend setting up a comfortable spot in the house to relax and recover. It is also good to get grocery shopping and errands done beforehand so that you have everything you need.

You should also set up your appointments for physical therapy. Make sure that you have someone to drive you home after the procedure since you will be in pain and medicated.  

Are You Having Spinal Surgery?

If you are having spinal surgery shortly, there are a couple of things that you will want to consider.

Knowing what to expect for the procedure and where the work will be done is essential. This information can help the doctor determine the best route of physical therapy and at-home stretches. 

Don’t hold off on spinal cord surgery, as these issues can become permanent. A quick procedure can get you back on your feet with the right care and time to recover. 

Be sure to check out our blog for more articles about surgery on the spine and preparing for other procedures!

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