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5 Top Tips for Building a Business Brand From Scratch

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5 Top Tips for Building a Business Brand From Scratch

When you are launching your business, you need to focus on taking your business from strength to strength. However, you also need to focus on building a brand. If you do not have a brand, your potential customers and audience will struggle to identify with you and what you offer. Building a brand from scratch will take time, but with an action plan, you will start to see results.

1. Creating an Action Plan

The brand you create is not going to happen by accident. You will need a brand action plan in place to work towards – to ensure you stay on the right track. Within your action plan, you will need to cover what your brand will focus on and how you will incorporate your brand into your business. Will your brand be built around a have a central message for customers? Or, is it going to be built around a logo and name?

2. Think About Colors and Styles

Your brand is more than just the typeface that you use. It is also about the message you are sending through the color scheme you choose. Different colors and styles can have an impact on the type of brand you create. So, think carefully about what colors and styles you want to use and why. For branding to be successful, you are going to need to incorporate these colors and styles into everything you produce. So, ensure you are happy with the colors before making a commitment.

3. Use Custom Products/Items

You may want to use custom products or items to get your brand and brand name out there and seen. You will want as much exposure as possible for your new brand, so think about a whole range of custom products. From custom logo socks all the way to customer water bottles, and custom caps or hats. The advantage of custom products is that you can use them yourself, or give them away to new customers to help get your brand name out there and in front of your target audience.

4. Make Sure Branding is Consistent

For your brand to be effective, you need to make sure that everything you do is consistent. If there are any inconsistencies in your branding, or even in the style of typeface used, it could lead to customer confusion. To avoid having issues with consistency, you need to keep master copies of everything you design or create. You also need to keep notes about what specific colors, themes, and styles have been used and why.

5. Look at What Competitors are Doing

You will have competitors that you can use as a reference. These competitors will already have an established brand in place. Look at what they have done that works well, and see where there may be room for growth or improvement. Analyzing a competitor’s branding will give you the time and the opportunity to make changes to your own efforts.