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Detox vs Rehab & Why It Matters

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Detox vs Rehab & Why It Matters

If you’re on the road to recovery from addiction, you’re probably getting a lot of terms thrown at you for the first time. If words like “detox” and “recovery” don’t mean much to you at this point, you’re not alone: many people seeking help for addiction struggle to understand the difference. Where do you start when you’re ready to leave your addiction behind?

As you work to break free of the cycle of using and create a better future, we’ve got you covered. Let’s take a look at the difference between detox and rehab—and why the nuance matters.

What Is Detox?

Alcohol and drug detox is the first phase of addiction treatment. Though it also shares some things in common with rehab, the first priority here is to focus on your physical health, including your dependence and tolerance.

Most detox centers offer short-term programs that work to help patients cleans their body of lingering toxins and addictive substances.

In some cases, this will involve quitting “cold turkey.” In other cases—especially when opioids are involved—you may also get supplemental medications and therapy to help with withdrawal symptoms. The goal is to help you reduce pain, discomfort, and cravings while helping you take charge of your behavior visit this website.

What Is Rehab?

Alcohol and Drug is the next step of addiction treatment following a detox. With your physical symptoms lessened or gone, you will focus on regaining control of your habits and behaviour in full. These programs tend to be long-term, and they’ll often last for a few months. You can also choose inpatient or outpatient treatments according to your expert’s advice. So, it would be best to find the best rehabs near you for your addiction recovery process so that you can reach out to them easily whenever needed.

Many of the activities you’ll experience during rehab will enhance your coping skills to help you avoid a potential relapse. This might mean activities like 12-step programs, peer support, counseling and therapy, and meditation.

Why It Matters

There’s a crucial reason why you should know the difference between detox and rehab: patients who seek both types of help are most likely to succeed.

While it’s sometimes possible to detox on your own, it’s always safer to do so with a medical professional on hand. Having a solid foundation for your detox can help you step toward recovery with rehab.

On the flip side, seeking out a rehab program is a necessary next step after detox, as it’s a crucial investment in your long-term recovery. 

In essence, detox and rehab are two sides of the same coin, allowing you to deal with physical symptoms before working on the mental and emotional strategies you need to move forward.

It’s also worth noting that detox and rehab aren’t always a one-and-done solution. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, relapse rates for addiction are similar to those for diabetes and hypertension. In other words, seeking one or both of these treatments more than once isn’t just normal; it’s also healthy and expected.

Reach Out for the Help You Need

At the end of the day, collaborating with an addiction treatment center that has both detox and rehab programs should be your main focus. Both of these programs will be essential to your future health, allowing you to leave your past habits behind to step toward a better future than you thought possible. Be sure to reach out to a clinic in your local area for help.

Want more of the key tips you need to understand tough choices like this one? Be sure to take a look at our other content for additional insights.

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