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How Much Does It Cost to Rekey Locks? What To Know

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How Much Does It Cost to Rekey Locks? What To Know

Imagine coming back from a family vacation and seeing that your home was broken into — without any signs of forced entry. It’s a scary situation to be in, especially if you find out that the intruder used an old spare key to do it.

Sometimes our locks need replacing because they’re old, worn out or damaged in some way. When this happens, you’ll have to rekey locks for your home or business.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about the cost to rekey locks so that you can make an informed decision on how much it costs to rekey locks for your needs!

Keep reading to unlock everything you need to know!

A Brief History of Rekeying Locks

Locksmithing is an ancient art. There’s archaeological evidence that lock and key designs date as far back as 4000 BC! The first locks and keys were wooden. But those early locks weren’t very secure because there were no set standards for key cutting. Anyone could make a key that would fit a lock!

In the 18th century, locksmiths developed more secure locks with metal keys. These locks had pins that needed to align in the correct order for the door to open. This type of lock is still used today and is commonly known as a tumbler lock.

With the introduction of these more secure locks, locksmiths had to develop new methods for rekeying locks. They developed a technique called “pinning” which involved replacing the pins in the lock with different pins that would only work with a specific key.

This process is still used today and is the primary method for rekeying locks.

Why Would I Need to Rekey a Lock?

Rekeying locks is often the best way to restore your security after someone has lost or had their keys stolen. There are several reasons why you may need to get your locks rekeyed, including:

  • Your previous tenant/owner still has a key and uses it to enter your property without permission
  • You’ve moved and need to change your locks
  • You’ve recently changed the locks on your home or business for any reason
  • You’d like to improve the security of your property

You can resolve each of these situations by rekeying locks, and mainly focusing on security.

What’s the Cost to Rekey Locks?

The cost of rekeying locks depends on a few factors, including the type of locks you have, how many locks need rekeying, the company performing the service, and the time that will take.

On average, it takes two to three hours for a professional locksmith to rekey standard residential locks. This usually costs between $100 and $150. Costs will vary depending on where you live so it’s always best to get a few quotes before you decide.

Businesses usually have more complex locks that require more time to rekey. It can take up to four hours or more for a locksmith to rekey all the locks in a business. Again, it’s best to get quotes from a few different locksmiths to find the best price.

There are also DIY kits available that allow you to rekey locks yourself. However, these kits can be difficult to use and may not be compatible with all locks. It’s best to leave this job to the professionals!

How Do I Pick a Rekeying Company?

When it comes to rekeying locks, it’s best to leave the job to the professionals. There are many scams out there and it’s not worth risking your security by trying to do it yourself.

When you’re looking for a reputable company to rekey your locks, make sure to ask for referrals from friends or family members. You should also check for complaints with your local Better Business Bureau.

You can also look online for reviews to see what other customers have experienced in the past. Reputable companies will also offer a warranty on their services, usually between one and three years.

Questions to Ask Yourself When Searching for Rekeying Service

When you’re looking for a rekeying service, it’s essential to find one that has years of experience and a strong track record. You should consider asking yourself the following questions:

How Long Has the Business Been in Business?

When businesses have been running longer, they usually have a track record of success. It’s important to work with someone who has been in the industry and can provide you with references and customer testimonials.

Can I See a List of Referenced Clients?

When searching for a rekeying company, ask if they have a list of references that you can contact. Getting in touch with past customers is an important way to find out how reliable the company is, what kind of work they do, and how much it costs.

Are the Technicians Professionals?

It’s important to work with trained professionals when rekeying your locks. You should also look for licensed and insured technicians. These precautions protect both you and the locksmith so that everyone remains safe while working. What other questions do you have for rekeying locks?

What Kind of Warranty Does the Company Provide?

Customer service plays a large part in choosing a rekeying company. Make sure the business offers quality customer service, including a warranty on its services. This shows that they’re confident in the work they provide and are willing to stand behind it!

How Quickly Can a Locksmith Come To My Location?

If you’re in an emergency, it’s important to find someone who can come quickly. The best locksmith should be able to come to your location within 30 minutes or less.

The longer a company has been in business, the more likely it is that they’re going to be able to provide you with a high level of customer service and quality work. It’s always best to choose a reputable company over one that’s new to the industry.

Get Started With Lock Rekeying Services

With these tips in mind, you can begin your search for what it would cost to rekey locks. Remember to consider DIY kits, but be aware that these may not work with all locks and could cause more damage.

You should also ask about warranty information before you hire someone to rekey your locks. This will ensure that you’re happy with the service provided! Now you’re ready to get started.

If this unlocked a few areas of interest for you, be sure to check out even more helpful articles on our blog!

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