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Psychology at the University of Auckland

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Psychology at the University of Auckland

Psychology students at the University of Auckland can obtain the qualification of New Zealand Registrar of Psychology upon graduation. There are many jobs available for registered psychologists: Many psychologists serve in the field of mental health care and clinical psychology. Psychological testing, data analysis, questionnaires and other business environments also require the role of psychologists. Psychologists are also needed for staff recruitment, training and evaluation. In addition, psychology graduates can choose deeper academic fields of study, such as neurological function and cognitive sciences. The University of Auckland has a wide range of psychology courses, including health psychology courses, psychological counseling theory, clinical psychology, applied psychology. To search these courses, you can use Course Finder, a professional course search tool, which can help you find the wanted courses in New Zealand, Australia and Singapore easily and quickly.

Admission requirements for Psychology at the University of Auckland

Course name: Bachelor of arts in Psychology

Description: The Psychology Program at the University of Auckland offers courses in a wide range of psychological disciplines. Students can focus on a range of professional areas such as clinical psychology, industrial, work and organizational psychology, experimental analysis of behavior, social psychology, health psychology, cognitive neuroscience, psychology of psychosis, cultural psychology, sensation and perception, brain and behavior.

Admission requirements: High school graduation and at least one year at a prestigious university or polytechnic; IELTS 6.0, at least 5.5 for each item; Or TOEFL written test 550, computer test 213, Internet test 80; Peerless admission.

School start time: March; Duration: 1 year; Total fees: NZ $38,300

Career opportunities in Psychology at the University of Auckland

The pace of life is extremely accelerated in the modern society, a person encountered heavy psychological trauma and blow, such as the loss of ideals, goals and career, the accidental death of relatives, the deterioration of interpersonal relations, resulting in a sharp mental breakdown to take psychological counseling. New Zealand is a capitalist country with developed economy and open concept. Seeing a psychologist is a way for them to adjust their life. Psychological consultant is also a career for many New Zealand students.

There are a number of job opportunities for psychology students either in New Zealand or overseas, including university research workers, government staff, organization members or factory managers. Graduates can apply for academic research on topics such as pilot error, learning disabilities in children, the biology of memory, and the effectiveness of alcohol and drug rehabilitation. Clinical psychologists can work in hospitals, private practices, and correctional services.

Overall, the psychology major at the University of Auckland offers excellent employment prospects and is a very good choice for study. For those who want to study and work in New Zealand, the University of Auckland’s psychology major is an ideal choice. Certainly, except for psychology, the university has many other excellent study options. And meanwhile, New Zealand has many other institutions offering different kinds of courses to students, which can also be given priority to.

To learn more about New Zealand, please visit cateight.com. It is a website full of news and tips about studying abroad in New Zealand, Australia and Singapore.

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