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The Top Metrics to Evaluate During Your Enterprise SEO Audit

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The Top Metrics to Evaluate During Your Enterprise SEO Audit

When it comes to enterprise SEO audits, the right metrics are critical. This is because a client’s investment in an agency’s services is often significant, and they want a return.

Providing them with accurate data will help them make informed decisions about their business and marketing goals and whether or not they’re seeing progress toward their ROI objectives.


Enterprise SEO involves optimizing an extensive website containing thousands or even millions of pages. It also involves working with a team of people rather than one person. Therefore, staying on top of SEO metrics for enterprises can be challenging. However, understanding which ones are most important for your clients will help you create reports that show how well they’re performing and what needs to be improved.

One of the most important metrics to track is traffic. It is often the primary metric marketers use to demonstrate success and can strongly indicate how successful SEO campaigns are.

It’s also important to consider how much of the site’s traffic comes from branded keywords and how much from non-branded keywords. Branded searches typically have higher purchase intent and can significantly increase your client’s revenue.

The other important metric to track during enterprises SEO audit is the number of pages per visit. This metric allows you to see how many of your site’s pages are being seen and helps you determine if there are any problems with indexing.


The number of times your website appears on search engine results pages is a valuable SEO metric. This and clicks can help you determine how well your branding and keywords work. In contrast to vanity metrics that may increase with marketing efforts but don’t ultimately move the needle for your business, impressions are a clear indicator of SEO success.

This metric isn’t considered a ranking factor, but it is a great way to see how your site performs and whether your content aligns with search intent. For example, a high bounce rate could indicate that the page isn’t providing the information the user seeks or that the keyword isn’t relevant to what they are searching for.

There are countless metrics to consider when conducting an SEO audit, but the best ones speak directly to your client’s goals and can be easily understood by their teams. The SEO audit process can be time-consuming, but ensuring your SEO strategy is on the right track to achieve its full potential is essential.


When conducting an enterprise SEO audit, looking at the big picture is critical. While search positions and impressions are important, the ultimate goal of any marketing campaign is to drive revenue. Whether this is in the form of direct sales or leads, conversions are what make any marketing effort successful. This is why tracking SEO metrics such as conversion rates and CVR is crucial.

Not all conversions are equal, however. For example, a user purchasing an item from your site is a much more valuable conversion than someone filling out a contact form or downloading a whitepaper. It’s important to know what metrics matter most to your clients so you can focus on those that have the most significant impact.

Tracking these enterprise-level SEO metrics can be difficult, but it’s essential to show your client a return on their investment and that you’re providing value. Using advanced attribution modeling helps your agency achieve this. This can be achieved by tracking the conversion rate of specific pages and comparing this to other marketing channels, such as email or social media.

Time on Site

SEO success can be measured by the time a user spends on your website, which is why this metric should be closely monitored. A low time on site can signal that users are frustrated and leaving the area. It can also indicate that the website could be easier to navigate. This is a red flag in both cases and should be investigated further.

Another essential metric to consider is how many pages are indexed by Google. This can be a crucial factor when conducting an enterprise SEO audit, as it can help to identify technical SEO issues like a broken redirect chain or missing schema.

Lastly, it is also essential to evaluate the content on the site to ensure that it includes relevant keywords with high search volume. This will help to drive traffic and conversions, which can be attributed to SEO efforts. It is also a good idea to track the number of branded versus non-branded search terms, as these often have more purchase intent and can be used to measure brand visibility.


A page view is a metric recorded each time a web page loads or reloads. This metric differs from unique page views, which only count one web page visit per user across multiple sessions. For example, if a user lands on a webpage and then returns to refresh it again, this counts as two page views (although the number of unique page views would still be one).

Pageviews are a standard metric that analysts track because they can tell them which pages interest their audiences. However, high pageviews alone don’t mean that a page is popular. If a site has high pageviews but low visits, it could indicate that visitors are struggling to find the information they’re looking for.

Understanding these metrics can help marketers analyze data and take the necessary steps to improve their SEO strategy. By combining these metrics with other important ones like traffic and conversions, they can better understand their audiences and make informed decisions about how to reach them.