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What Are the Different Types of Treadmills That Exist Today?

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What Are the Different Types of Treadmills That Exist Today?

Are you looking for a convenient and effective way to work out from home? If you’ve been looking for a while, treadmills have probably already crossed your mind.

Treadmills are one of the best ways to get a workout from home, all without committing to a complicated workout plan or buying lots of expensive equipment. 

Going to the gym regularly is a hassle when you have things to do. With a treadmill at home, you can find time to burn calories at any time during the day.

If you are interested in purchasing a treadmill you should learn more about all the different types available. Keep reading to learn about all types of treadmills. 

Before You Buy a Treadmill

Before you buy a treadmill there are a few things you want to consider. 

Firstly, be sure to check the weight capacity. If you are buying online, some sellers will try to sell you a cheap treadmill that will not be able to withstand much. Treadmills at commercial gyms can normally hold over 395lbs.

Next, find what horsepower it has. Some low-quality treadmills refer to their power in watts. There are 750 watts to one horsepower. If you plan to use your treadmill frequently, you want a machine with 1.5 horsepower or more. 

Finally, check its user reviewers. The reviews on a treadmill will give you a lot of good information. They can answer questions such as “is it worth the price?”. Reviews will give you a clear view of the treadmill you want to buy. 

Manual Treadmill

Manual treadmills are an affordable treadmill option for at-home workouts. It uses rollers and belts that allow a person to move with their effort. You set your tempo, so you don’t have to worry about going too fast.

Manual treadmills do have some downfalls. For one, the pressure needed to get the belt rolling can strain your joints and feet. Fewer calories tend to be burned with this treadmill because people get tired of it quickly.

On a non-manual treadmill, running for just 20 minutes per day can burn around 300 calories! If you prefer walking, walking on an incline for 20 minutes can burn up to 170 calories. 

Yet, it is still a great option if you are concerned with price. These tend to be the cheapest type of treadmill, and they do not bring up your electricity bill. 

Motorized Treadmill

The motorized treadmill uses electricity to move the belt along. You can set motorized treadmills to your preferred speed and often to an incline. 

Since the belt runs on its own, the user can focus on their form and movement rather than running the machine. Motorized treadmills are great for smart exercising. 

Electric treadmills are great to use without holding onto the handles to get your arms moving. But, be wary if you choose not to use the safety clip. The treadmill will not change its speed if you begin to walk or fall. 

All types of treadmills come with different safety features. But, what they share is safety from the road. Many people don’t feel safe jogging in the winter, at night, or on busy roads.

Some, because of where they live, cannot avoid these hazards. Motorized treadmills allow you to get off the streets and work out from the safety of your home. 

Being safe also increases our motivation! When you can keep from being distracted by hazards you can focus on something else. Whether that is the pumping of your blood, good music, or your favorite tv show, it’s up to you. 

Folding Treadmill

If you still don’t have a treadmill because you don’t have room, keep in mind, it’s usable no matter what the weather is outside.

Stay consistent with your workouts no matter what. If it’s raining, snowing, or if you’re experiencing a heatwave, it won’t affect your treadmill.

If you enjoy walking and running, you may have had many times where the weather has ruined your workout plans. Folding treadmills are the solution to your floor space issue. 

The folding treadmill is wonderful for home gyms. If you have limited space, this kind of treadmill uses much less floor space when folded up. Some can even fold so flat that they can fit underneath a bed.

Don’t let apartment living keep you from staying fit. Most folding treadmills are quite high-quality while also being easy to store. They are also lightweight and often come with wheels for easy movement. 

As beautiful as some treadmills are, they can be an eyesore in the living room or bedroom. That’s why so many people opt for a folding treadmill. 

Commercial Treadmill

Commercial treadmills are often the beefy, high-tech designs of at-home workout equipment. They have a lot of power. They can hold a lot of weight. And, they can last a very long time. 

For some, these treadmills are overkill. For others, these treadmills are an investment. While commercial treadmills are some of the most expensive on the market, they are also the most high-quality. 

Many come with television screens, Bluetooth capabilities, and built-in workouts. Commercial treadmills are built for nearly constant use and almost always come with a 3-5 year warranty. 

What Types of Treadmills Will You Buy?

All these types of treadmills are good options for different people. Depending on your budget, space, and time to work out, one may fit you better than another. It’s up to you to decide.

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