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What Is Temperature Control in Food Safety?

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What Is Temperature Control in Food Safety?

Did you know that every year approximately 48 million people in the United States of America get ill from contaminated food? Food contamination can happen at any step of the journey from fishery or farm to table. Following food safety guidelines can prevent many unnecessary foodborne illnesses.

You don’t want to get sick. And, if you work with food, you don’t want the people who will eventually eat that food to get sick. A major point of concern in food safety is temperature control.

This article will answer the question, “What is temperature control in food safety?” You’ll also learn some food safety tips along the way. Tuck in!

Who Sets the Standards?

A quick history is helpful when trying to answer the question, “What is temperature control in food safety? The Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls is sweeping legislation that seeks to regulate food processors, manufacturers, packers, and storage facilities.

This is not to be confused with the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). The HACCP vs HARPC require different things. The HARPC are the standards that commercial food production need to live up to.

What Is Temperature Control in Food Safety?

Temperature control revolves around:

  • Cooking foods to a proper temperature
  • Keeping food at a certain temperature
  • Serving food at the right temperature

Following these steps ensures that food is safe for consumption. According to the USDA, the majority of foodborne illnesses could be prevented with proper food processing and cooking.

Learn About Temperatures and Food

So, what foods are at risk, and what are safe temperatures? Foods most at risk include:

  • Meat, poultry, seafood
  • Dairy and eggs
  • Soy products, including tofu
  • Cooked vegetables
  • Sliced melons and raw sprouts

The “temperature danger zone” (41-135 degrees Fahrenheit) is the temperature range at which pathogens in food double every twenty minutes. As a rule, quickly move foods through the danger zone during cooking. Then, store those hot foods above 135 degrees or keep cold foods below 41 degrees.

Food Safety Tips

When you’re cooking, there’s always so much going on. Here are some easy tips that will help you keep your food out of the danger zone!

Schedule With Care

If you’re grocery shopping for your home or receiving a food shipment for your restaurant, do so at a time where you can quickly move food back into the fridge. Avoid deliveries during your rush time or shopping at the beginning of your errands.

Work in Batches

If you’re cooling a large amount of food, separate it into batches first so it’ll cool faster. If you’ll need to freeze something, freeze it in smaller batches so it will thaw faster later.

Thaw Safely

Use a microwave to thaw food only if you plan to cook it right away. Microwaving warms food inconsistently. Thaw food under running water as long as the water is below 70 degrees.

Feed Your Appetite for Safety

You can avoid the unpleasant symptoms of foodborne illness if you understand the answer to the question “What is temperature control in food safety?” After reading this, now you know how to avoid the temperature danger zone like a pro. Happy cooking!

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