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Why Good Crane Lights Are Essential When Working On Site

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Why Good Crane Lights Are Essential When Working On Site

Working at heights is not for the faint of heart, because of how low you can see and how much better an understanding you’ll have of your surroundings with perceptive cones. So if you’re back mounted a crane or other type of site-lifting machine, one apparatus that you should invest in are good crane lights.

What is a crane?

A crane is a heavy-duty, articulated machine that is used for a variety of purposes, most notably construction and mining. They are often classified by their weight capacity: light, medium, and heavy. Typically, a light crane can lift up to 2,000 pounds while a heavy crane can lift 10,000 pounds.

Why good crane lights are important when working on site

When working on-site, good crane light can make a huge difference in the safety of both you and your team. Not only can it help identify obstacles before you even get close to them, but it can also keep people safe by helping direct work during the night time or in dark conditions. With so much at stake, why not invest in the best possible lights for your job? Here are a few reasons why good crane lights are essential when working on-site:

1. They Help Identify Obstacles Before You Get Closer

Without good crane lights, workers might not be aware of potential hazards until they’re right in front of them. These lights can help prevent costly accidents by identifying construction debris or other lurking dangers before they become an issue.

2. They Keep People Safe During Night Time or Dark Conditions

If you’re working in darkness or during any time of night when visibility is limited, using good crane lights is essential to keep everyone safe. Without these powerful lamps, workers could easily trip over obstacles or run into dangerous construction equipment while trying to work in those conditions.

3. They Enhance Your Working Ranges by Partnering with Other Sensors 

If you’re using other sensors to help you work safely on sites, such as laser scanners or GPS, good crane lights can amplify those readings and make them easier to see. This makes it easier to identify potential hazards and keep everyone safe.

With so many reasons why good crane lights are important when working on-site, it’s vital to invest in the best possible lights for your needs. If you don’t have the right lights, you’ll likely end up spending more time and money fixing accidents that could have been prevented with a little better planning.

Best practices for buying good crane lights

When working on-site, it is essential to have good crane lights to help see what you’re working on. There are a few things to consider when buying crane lights, including the type of light you need and how strong the light should be.

One important factor when choosing crane lights is the type of light they produce. There are three main types of lights used for construction: spotlights, floodlights, and beams. Spotlights are the most common type of light and are best for close work; they produce a sharp beam that is limited in range. Floodlights provide broader illumination than spotlights and can be used at a distance; however, they produce more uniform light and can be less effective in close quarters. Beams are similar to floodlights in that they provide a wide angle of illumination but with a narrower beam; they’re great for complicated projects or large areas.

Another important consideration when buying crane lights is how bright they should be. Most spotlights produce around 100 lumens per watt, while floodlights can produce up to 5,000 lumens per watt. Beams are generally weaker than both types of lighting, producing around 1-2 watts per lumen. This means that beams will not be as bright as floodlights or spotlights but will be sufficient for most applications.

Finally, it is important to consider whether your project will require special features like Horus head technology or infrared sapphire optics. These features can make the difference between successful completion

Best lighting practices for cranes

When working on a construction site, cranes are an essential part of the team. Crane lights are crucial when maneuvering these massive machines and ensuring they remain safe while working. There are a few best practices that everyone should follow to ensure safe crane lighting:

1) Use low-wattage bulbs. When choosy about your lightbulbs, use low-wattage options instead of high-wattage bulbs. These bulbs will provide enough light to see in the dark but won’t be as harsh on your eyes.

2) Use LED light fixtures. LED lights are becoming more popular due to their energy efficiency and longer lifespan. They also produce less heat than traditional incandescent or fluorescent bulbs, which is important when working with hot metal parts or around flammable substances.

3) Keep your lights clean and shining brightly. Dirty or poorly maintained crane lights can act as a hazard for both workers and equipment. Keep your lights clean by regularly sweeping them or using an approved lens cleaner/de-greaser product like KYB CleanTech® 3in1 Aerosol Can Cleaner accompanied by our cloth duster! Keeping the light shining brightly will help prevent shadows from forming and keep you and your crew safe at night time.


When you’re working onsite, quality crane lights can make the difference between a successful project and one that ends in disaster. Not all crane light brands are created equal, so it’s important to invest in something that will provide you with accurate readings and long-lasting illumination. Here are a few of our favorite brands to consider if you’re looking for the perfect light for your next job.