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How To Clean These 3 Types Of Rugs And Carpets

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How To Clean These 3 Types Of Rugs And Carpets

Rugs and carpets are great and functional accessories for any room or home. Firstly, they often help highlight the furniture they’re paired with. They also provide warmth, comfort, and noise reduction in your home.  

However, if you wish to keep them functional and maintain their pleasant appearance, you must keep them clean, as illustrated in this blog post. Here are some of the most common types of dirt and stains you may encounter:  

  • Water soluble: It’s the most straightforward stain to clean, often only requiring some water, soap, and a rug.  
  • Oil-based: Conversely, oil-based stains are often the most difficult to clean as the oil and fat naturally stick to similar materials.   
  • Soil and mud: Mud often pushes the dirt further into the carpet’s fibres, making it harder to remove.  
  • Gum and wax: Another set of difficult stains to remove is gum and wax, which tend to settle deep into the fibres. Simply peeling them off will only damage the carpet.  

When cleaning your rugs and carpets, it’s crucial to consider their materials to avoid damaging them. To learn more about how to clean different types of rugs and carpets, consider reading the following list:  

  1. Wool  

The first type of rug and carpet that you may want to know about is made of wool. This natural material is often described as luxurious, durable, and very soft. These kinds of carpets and rugs range from very affordable to very expensive, depending on the quality of the material and whether synthetic fibre is mixed in. Unfortunately, they’re also prone to staining.  

Before moving on to how to clean a wool carpet or rug, it’s important to note that if anything spills over, you must quickly use a towel to absorb it and reduce the stain. Furthermore, regular vacuuming must also be done to prevent dust and dirt build-up.   

To commence your deep cleaning, gather the following materials: a clean towel, vinegar, baking soda, scrub brush, and carpet shampoos or horse shampoo. From there, you’ll want to clean specific spots with a solution made of water and vinegar or water and baking soda. Next, to clean the entire rug, gently scrub it with water and carpet shampoo. Rinse using a sponge with only water to absorb and remove any detergent, shampoo, or solution. Lastly, leave it to dry.  

  1. Cotton  

The next type of rug or carpet you may wish to clean is one made of cotton. These rugs are known to be very affordable while being very soft and comfortable. You may often see these rugs in entryways, kitchens, or bathrooms. However, they must be kept away from sunlight to prevent fading.  

To clean your cotton rug or carpet, consider shaking it outdoors to remove debris or dirt. Note that this step is only applicable if it’s not installed on your floor, such as in the case of wall-to-wall carpets. Next, it’s time to gather your materials: a bucket of water, rug shampoo, a soft brush, and a hose.  

Lay your rug out on a clean surface, then use rug shampoo to clean it. Leave the soap on for a few minutes, then deeply scrub the rug to remove stubborn dirt and stains. Using the hose, thoroughly rinse the carpet to remove the soap and remaining dirt completely. Lastly, dry the rug using a squeegee or wet vacuum.   

Ensure that your rug is dry to prevent mold and mildew from forming. Additionally, consider vacuuming to loosen the fibres of your rug after it has dried.  

  1. Polyester  

The next type of rug and carpet is polyester, an artificial material considered more hypoallergenic than others. They may also be made of recycled plastic bottles, making them eco-friendly. Unlike cotton rugs and carpets, polyester types are known to be very vibrant and fade-resistant.  

In cleaning your polyester rug or carpet, use a vacuum to remove dirt and debris. You may also opt for a wet-dry vacuum cleaner to semi-wash your carpet. If your rug requires spot cleaning, consider letting a paste of lemon juice and baking soda sit on it and then brush it off afterward.  

If possible, use the washing machine to clean your polyester carpet thoroughly. However, if it’s too big, consider using steam cleaners instead.   


Because your rugs and carpets are precious accessories to your home, you must understand how to care for them properly. Besides knowing how to address dirt and stains, you must also know how to clean different types of carpets and rugs. You may be more knowledgeable about rug and carpet maintenance with the list above. Consider referring to this article during your regular cleaning periods to ensure proper care of your rugs and carpets. 

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