If you have your own garden then you are truly blessed and the only problem is that it’s become increasingly more difficult to put aside time every week to get out there and to get your hands dirty. We tend to let our jobs take over the vast majority of our time and so the landscaping around our properties tends to suffer as a direct result. Many gardens are overgrown and the grass is sometimes up to knee length and so we need to start thinking about ways to set aside time for some essential gardening and also to make sure that we have all of the right tools and machinery to make gardening a lot easier.
This is why many people invest in John Deere ride on mowers because not only does it make cutting the grass very easy and very straightforward, but it just makes gardening a lot more fun to do as well. These mowers are incredibly easy to manoeuvre and they can cut the grass at any height that you would like. Gardening should be relaxing and it really shouldn’t be too much of a challenge and so the following are just some essential tips that can help you to keep your garden in great shape this year.
- Watering & how much – If you are not a gardening connoisseur then it’s likely that you’re not up-to-date with how much water that you should give certain plants. If you give too much, it might cause them to wilt and die and if you don’t give them enough then the same thing applies. It pays to do some homework about the various plants and shrubs that you have all around your garden so that you can make sure that you give them the right amount of water and at the right frequency.
- Provide essential shade – Some plants love the sun more than others and so for the ones that prefer to be out of the sunshine, you need to create places where shade can be provided and be sure to do your landscape edging as well. It might be a good idea to plant a tree in such an area if your garden is big enough to accommodate such a thing.
- Garden smart – Gardening doesn’t have to be hard work if you think about it and you try to do your gardening in a smarter way. As was suggested previously, getting yourself a ride on mower is definitely a way to garden smart and so you should be investing in other pieces of equipment and other tools that make the gardening experience much more enjoyable.
- Consider your grass setting – Now that you have invested in a ride on mower, do not be tempted to always cut the grass down to the bare minimum and always try to think about your neighbours when you use your ride on mower. This can definitely damage the roots of your lawn especially at hot times of the year and you don’t want your grass turning brown because it’s too hot.
While plants certainly need water and attention, they also need some extra nutrients that the soil cannot provide for them. This is why it makes so much sense to provide your plants with food and you can probably find this type of food in the same place that you buy your ride on lawnmower.